Physical Therapy

Physical therapy helps children learn to successfully and independently perform gross motor skills and functional mobility skills. Physical therapy will help improve your child’s strength, coordination, and balance through therapeutic exercise and activities to increase success in age appropriate gross motor skills.

Children can engage in tasks such as obstacle courses incorporating a variety of gym equipment to improve motor planning skills.

Therapists may target gait retraining if toe-walking is present by working on your child’s range of motion, strengthening and incorporating different sensory techniques. Infants with torticollis can also be treated by physical therapists, as well as, many other conditions.  Comprehensive services can also be provided by a consultation with an orthotist if needed. Physical therapists help children of all abilities participate and reach their unique potential.

Pediatric physical therapists work together with children and their families to:
o Promote a child’s development. o Improve strength and endurance.
o Improve balance and coordination.
o Enhance learning opportunities.
o Enable independence.
o Increase the ability to participate in physical activities at home, school, and in the community.
o Reduce and manage pain.
o Ease challenges with daily caregiving.